Relational vs Non-Relational (NOSQL) Database Design

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Relational database design segregates data Into Organized tables, Establishing logical relationship or link betweens Each table.

Non-relational  database design  are simply lists of data, one-combining all records Into table, file, list etc sans Defining Relationships gold link betweens data.

Relational database designs are based on relational models. The relational model Focuses on Representing data through Relationships Held betweens Those data items.

No relationship  database designs  are based on column based, key value, paper based models.

A column-oriented model datastores tables have sections of columns of data injustement than as rows of data.

A key value model saves values ​​indexed by a key.

document-oriented database  model extends the key value and values ​​are Stored in a fine Proper  structured  Format That Can Be Understood by the database.

Relational Database Design Approach:

  1. Top down design approach

Top down design approach identified the data sets olefins And Then the data elements for Each Of Those sets. This process Involves the identification of different entity type and the definition of Each entity's attributes.

  1. Bottom-up design approach

Bottom-up design approach identified the data items And Then groups em together in data sets. In --other words; it first olefins attributes, And Then Em groups to form entities.

Advantage Of Relational Database Design:

  • Redundancy Can Be inconsistency avoided.
  • Integrity Can Be enforced.
  • Data Can Be shared.
  • Data Model  Can Be Developed.

Say Advantage Of Relational Database Design:

  • Complexity to manages the data.
  • Difficult to manages performance Increases When data.

Few Relational Database Management System:

Oracle, MS-sql server, MySQL, IBM db2 etc.

No - Relational (NOSQL) Database Design Approach:

There is no major approach to design relational databases not. It Can Be defined simply by being white non - relational. The data stores May not require fixed table scheme, and join operations and AVOID Usually Typically scale horizontally.

Advantage of Non-Relational (NOSQL) Database Design:

  • Ability to handle wide Amount of data.
  • Faster data retrieval.
  • Scalable across various node.
  • Flexible

Dis Advantage of Non-Relational (NOSQL) Database Design:

  • Data redundancy
  • Updates are very slow.

Few Non-Relational (NOSQL) Database Management System:

Cassandra, MongoDB, CcouchDB, Oracle NOSQL, Bigtable etc.


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